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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Two Headed Creatures


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Kim Kardashian’s Mansion Interior Design

Kim Kardashian’s $4.8million five-bedroom mansion is located in Beverly Hills and made in Tuscan-style featuring four bathrooms and spa. The 4,000sq ft house also has a swimming pool, garden with a waterfall, media room, outdoor living room with a fireplace. The house has many floor-length windows but the high walls and security gates will keep Ms. Kardashian’s privacy...

Top 5 Snakes

Top 5 SnakesPosted on Sep 01, 2011div 5. Pareas iwasakiiThis tiny but rather large-headed Japanese has one of the most oddly specific diets in the animal kingdom; its asymmetrical jaws are adapted for preying entirely upon snails…so long as their shells spiral clockwise. A once rare mutation is known to produce snails with counter-clockwise shells, and since these provide...

Beautiful Cars

A collection of beautiful cars that are sometimes concept and at others, coming in the near future. Either way, enjoy them. ...

Architecture of Future

As the modern architecture has followed the Industrial Revolution we saw the simplification of form, clear lines and little of no embellishments. Now looking at the projects of the future architectural designs we can see how the modern architecture has evolved in so many different ways.   Exploring material properties and...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Top 5 Snakes

5. Pareas iwasakii This tiny but rather large-headed Japanese has one of the most oddly specific diets in the animal kingdom; its asymmetrical jaws are adapted for preying entirely upon snails…so long as their shells spiral clockwise. A once rare mutation is known to produce snails with counter-clockwise shells, and since these provide a greater challenge to the snakes,...